Our Productions




Docs and Mags

Weekly TV magazine 30′ – Broadcast on ARTE Channel from 2014 to 2016


At the forefront of worldwide innovation, all documentaries focus on world-class inventors who are creating a brighter future for all of us.
Our innovators work in labs or research centers at universities, as teams in large corporations or start-ups, or are just creating from their own home. Sharing their passions, they enlighten us, inspire us, and make progress inviting for all.
Each segment is dedicated to one cutting-edge invention falling within either of these 3 major areas: Man (life, health, etc.), Earth (environment, energy, etc.), or Objects (hi-tech, robotics, etc.).
Through reports and animated sequences, each documentary helps us understand how innovation comes into being, and analyze how our lives will be changed by these technological breakthroughs, or how society will benefit in the very near future.


The TV program has been designed to include an internet interactive companion experience including social networks sharing.
Weekly, before and after the broadcast, FUTUREMAG morphs into a webzine, to supplement the broadcast with interactions that allow participants to better understand and familiarize themselves with these innovations, as well as in-depth web-friendly content (tutorials, computer graphics, or even video game streaming).
During the actual television broadcast, live-tweeting supplements the broadcast by highlighting takeaways: key figures, words, or even quotes.
To follow on Twitter : @FutureMagFR and hashtag #FutureMag

A co-production ARTE France, Effervescence Doc, and the French National Academy of Technologies, in association with the magazine Usbek & Rica and La Netscouade, a web agency.

FUTUREMAG’s website